Se você não gostou ou teve algum problema, garantimos a troca ou reembolso dentro de 7 dias.
Entrega Segura
Garantia de recebimento ou seu dinheiro de volta.
Garantia Total
Se você não gostou ou teve algum problema, garantimos a troca ou reembolso dentro de 7 dias.
Entrega Segura
Garantia de recebimento ou seu dinheiro de volta.
Calcule o Frete e Prazo de Entrega
09 a 18 dias
até 12 dias úteis
R$ 12,90
08 a 10 dias
R$ 18,90
ATTENTION: We will send the colors available in Stock, BLACK, SILVER or GOLD.
The magnetized support is 6x more powerful than the OTHERS!
Magnetic stand with 6 powerful magnets
- Can be adapted to the desired angle
- Does not interfere with cell phone charging
- Does not damage your vehicle's dashboard
Discreet Support
- Does not block the air outlet
- Does not interfere with cell phone signal.
- Compatible with all cell phone models, which is why it is a sales success in Brazil.
- Exclusive silicone layer to protect your cell phone.
Installation: Just stick the magnet in the place where you want to fix the support and place the magnetic disk inside the cell phone case (It is not necessary to glue the disk to the cell phone) the cell phone will be stuck to the installed point.
Included Items:
- 1 Unit - Support with MAGNETIC MAGNET (Random color)
- 2 units - Magnetic disc