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Se você não gostou ou teve algum problema, garantimos a troca ou reembolso dentro de 7 dias.
Entrega Segura
Garantia de recebimento ou seu dinheiro de volta.
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09 a 18 dias
até 12 dias úteis
R$ 12,90
08 a 10 dias
R$ 18,90
New Practical Support, Super Safe and Resistant.
Different and better than any other support you've seen!
Universal: Compatible with Smartphones and GPS up to 4 to 6.8 inches
100% articulated
Universal car holder for Smartphone/GPS/Iphone automatic locking new-long silicone suction cup base
With smartphone and GPS support, you can easily map your route while traveling in traffic. The side handles open up to 10 cm, allowing adaptation to various device sizes. The main arm expands up to 14 cm.
The fixation is done using a highly adherent silicone suction cup, which can be placed on both the glass and the panel. The adjustments allow the user to customize the positioning the way they want, leaving the support in the most comfortable and easiest to view position.
The support can be removed and replaced easily, as the suction cup regains its grip with warm water. Quick and easy to install.
Included items
1 Support for Smartphone and GPS
- MORE Security!
- MORE Protection!
- MORE Speed!