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09 a 18 dias
até 12 dias úteis
R$ 12,90
08 a 10 dias
R$ 18,90
Professional photography in your pocket
Discover endless possibilities for your photos with your team's 3 main cameras. Test your creativity and play with lighting, different shots and effects to get great results. Additionally, the device has a 5 Mpx front camera so you can take fun selfies or make video calls. Better performance.
Its RAM memory of 4 GB allows your smartphone to run smoothly and without delay when multitasking, playing games or browsing. Face and fingerprint unlock Maximum security so that only you can access your team. You can choose between the fingerprint sensor to activate your phone with a tap, or facial recognition that allows you to unlock up to 30% faster. Longer battery life.
Disconnect! With the 5000 mAh super battery you will have energy for much longer to play, watch series or work without recharging.
The Redmi 9 Activ is a complete Android smartphone, which doesn't have much to envy the most advanced devices. Surprising is its 6.53-inch Touchscreen, which puts this Redmi at the top of its category.
The resolution is also high: 1600x720 pixels. As for functions, the Redmi 9 Activ really doesn't lack anything. Starting with Wi-Fi and GPS connectivity. Data transfer and web browsing are provided by the UMTS network, but it does not support newer technologies such as HSDPA. We emphasize the good internal memory of 64 GB with the possibility of expansion.
This Redmi 9 Activ is a product with few competitors in terms of multimedia thanks to the 13 megapixel camera that allows the Redmi 9 Activ to take fantastic photos with a resolution of 4163x3122 pixels and record videos in high definition (Full HD) with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. Very thin, 9 millimeters, which makes the Redmi 9 Activ really interesting.