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09 a 18 dias
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R$ 12,90
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R$ 18,90
Welcome to the Amundial Shop
Men's skinny jeans are the perfect item for modern and stylish men who want to add a touch of sophistication to their wardrobe. With a fitted cut and a wash wash, these pants offer a contemporary and elegant look.
Made from cotton, polyester and elastane to provide comfort and a perfect fit to the body. Cotton known for its softness, polyester adds resistance and durability and elastane gives flexibility to the fabric, allowing greater freedom of movement and a perfect fit to the body.
The skinny style design that fits perfectly to the body, stone wash gives a modern look, bringing an air of authenticity and style to your look. The pants are made for different occasions, from casual moments to more sophisticated events.
Ref: 278571
Composition: 80.4% cotton 18% Polyester and 1.6% Elastane.