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Distributed by Amundial Shop
Thermolar SUV 20 Liter Thermal Box
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The 20L SUV Cooler Box is safe, useful and versatile. With an innovative design, it has a lid with a storage case and generous cup holders and smartphone housing. It presents differentiated thermal conservation through the Air Flow System, which allows air circulation through the base, thus providing better performance in thermal conservation.
Its handle is reinforced and more resistant, providing safety for individual transport, and greater ergonomics through angles in the corners, for transport in pairs. The lid has upper and lower handles that allow opening with just one hand. At their base, they have handles that facilitate the removal of liquid, or ice. Another difference is the small side straps, which make it possible to attach bags or elastic cords. A product with Termolar quality and guarantee.
Lid with storage case.
2 cup holders.
Housing in the lid to accommodate the smartphone.
"Air Flow" system on the base that improves thermal conservation performance.