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Se você não gostou ou teve algum problema, garantimos a troca ou reembolso dentro de 7 dias.
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09 a 18 dias
até 12 dias úteis
R$ 12,90
08 a 10 dias
R$ 18,90
Dress with cutout on the sides in short ribbed knit with elastic at the back.
This piece is for those looking for practicality and versatility! A dress that goes great with sneakers, flats or heels! This is the type of piece we love to bring to you that fits with various styles!!
Available in two colors Size M (Wears 36-40) Ribbed knit stretches a lot Skirt Length 43cm Does not have a bulge Enhances curves and bust
- The product is available for immediate shipping - We are a Recommended Seller (We follow all guidelines imposed by Shopee) - + 10 thousand pieces sold
Attention! It is not possible to change the color after completing the purchase! The order picking team does not have access to chat so they prepare the package according to the details of the order placed.
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BTV13 4k Original Enviamos Atualizado e configurado
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BTV13 4k Original Enviamos Atualizado e configurado
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BTV13 4k Original Enviamos Atualizado e configurado
Controle 100% original tudo funcionando, tive uma dor de cabeça pra fazer o pareamento mas depois que desabilitei o wi-fi o controle pareou não entendi muito bem mas resolveu que é o que importa rs!
BTV13 4k Original Enviamos Atualizado e configurado
Chegou bem embalado. Só a entrega que atrasou.
BTV13 4k Original Enviamos Atualizado e configurado