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R$ 18,90
Liontecnology: the best cell phone and electronics store for you.
PRODUCT INFORMATION - 100% original product - We give 90 DAY GUARANTEE FOR OUR STORE! - If you have any questions, call a customer service representative via chat (:
The Redmi A2 is an average Android smartphone, ideal for those who don't have many demands but can't give up a good touchscreen display. The functions offered by the Redmi A2 are more or less the same as those offered in other advanced devices, starting with Wi-Fi and GPS connectivity. It has a multimedia player, video conferencing and Bluetooth. Surprising is its 6.52-inch Touchscreen, which puts this Redmi at the top of its category. The resolution is also high: 1600x720 pixels. The 8 megapixel camera is great, allowing the Redmi A2 to take fantastic photos with a resolution of 3266x2449 pixels and record videos in high definition (Full HD) with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. Very thin, 9.1 millimeters, which makes the Redmi A2 really good for transport.
NETWORK Technology: 4G
BODY Dimensions: 164.9 x 76.8 x 9.1 mm Weight: 192g