Se você não gostou ou teve algum problema, garantimos a troca ou reembolso dentro de 7 dias.
Entrega Segura
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Garantia Total
Se você não gostou ou teve algum problema, garantimos a troca ou reembolso dentro de 7 dias.
Entrega Segura
Garantia de recebimento ou seu dinheiro de volta.
Calcule o Frete e Prazo de Entrega
09 a 18 dias
até 12 dias úteis
R$ 12,90
08 a 10 dias
R$ 18,90
3 Basketball Regattas. There will be 3 shirts. 1 BROOKLYN, LAKERS AND 1 BULLS, we will ship according to stock availability. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO CHOOSE TEAMS
All the shirts you see carefully selected by us are worth the price being paid. Popular quality, but excellent value for money.
Pay attention to cost-benefit! These are t-shirts that are worth the price paid.
You will like them! Before ordering, please check the size information under the product description and select through the "Size Chart". Such clothes are the most suitable. The size chart is as follows:
Size S: Chest(100cm), Length(74cm)
Size M: Chest (108cm), Length (77cm)
Size L: Chest (112cm), Length (79cm)
Size XL: Chest (116cm), Length (82cm)
1: The shirt is recommended for hand washing, not suitable for washing in a washing machine.
2: If in doubt about the size, buy a size larger.
Thank you very much for purchasing and approving our products. Your satisfactions response is our pride.