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Se você não gostou ou teve algum problema, garantimos a troca ou reembolso dentro de 7 dias.
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09 a 18 dias
até 12 dias úteis
R$ 12,90
08 a 10 dias
R$ 18,90
Xiaomi Redmi 9A 32GB 2GB RAM Original New Sealed
The Redmi 9A is a complete Android smartphone
6.53-inch Touchscreen
High resolution: 1600x720 pixels
Wi-Fi and GPS connectivity.
Good internal memory of 32 GB with the possibility of expansion.
13 megapixel camera that allows the Redmi 9A to take photos with a resolution of 4128x3096 pixels and record videos in high definition (Full HD) with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels.